Idioms are expressions or phrases that have figurative meanings that are different from their literal interpretations. They are commonly used in everyday language and often carry cultural or contextual significance. Here are some common idioms:

  1. Break a leg: This idiom is used to wish someone good luck, especially before a performance or a challenging endeavor.
  2. Cost an arm and a leg: When something is very expensive, you can say it "costs an arm and a leg."
  3. Piece of cake: When something is easy to do, it's a "piece of cake."
  4. Hit the nail on the head: To describe someone as getting something exactly right is to say they "hit the nail on the head."
  5. Bite the bullet: This means to face a difficult situation or decision with courage and determination.
  6. Cry over spilled milk: It's an expression used to discourage worrying about something that has already happened and cannot be changed.
  7. Once in a blue moon: An event that happens very rarely is said to occur "once in a blue moon."
  8. Kick the bucket: A more informal way to say someone has died.
  9. Don't cry over spilt milk: Similar to "cry over spilled milk," this means not to fret over things that have already happened and can't be changed.
  10. Break the ice: To do something to relieve tension and start a conversation in a social setting.
  11. A dime a dozen: Something that is very common and easy to find is described as "a dime a dozen."
  12. Burning the midnight oil: Working late into the night or early morning hours.
  13. Under the weather: Feeling unwell or sick.
  14. Read between the lines: To understand a deeper or hidden meaning in something that is said or written.
  15. Jumping on the bandwagon: To join a popular trend or activity.
  16. The ball is in your court: It's your turn to take action or make a decision.
  17. The apple of my eye: Referring to someone as the most cherished or loved person.
  18. Don't put all your eggs in one basket: Advising not to risk everything on a single opportunity.
  19. Hitting the hay: Going to bed or getting some sleep.
  20. Let the cat out of the bag: Accidentally revealing a secret or confidential information.
